Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cadillac Pickup?

Ok. I said "mostly spiritual", so here goes...

The other day I was driving up I-65 North and I saw something that was so inconsistent that I had to write about it. You know there must be something wrong in the universe when you have to combine the two words "Cadillac" and "pickup". It's just not suppose to be. Now "Chevy Pickup", "Ford Pickup", and even "Toyota Pickup"; those flow off the tongue. They are a natural part of the order of things. But can you imagine putting a gun rack in the back window of a Cadi---- I just can't say it. How about a load of dirt in the bed of a Caddy?

What type of person buys a Cadillac Pickup? I just can't imagine the personality. If you are a Cadillac Pickup owner, please introduce yourself. I, for one, would like to know what makes you tick.

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